BANKING ON BLOCKCHAIN 5 THE RESULTS Mapping more than 50 operational cost metrics from McLagan’s data against our High Performance Investment Bank model delivered clear indicators. The four examples below are a small snapshot to illustrate typical efficiency impacts with a level of granularity achieved via our proprietary analysis. 70% 30-50% POTENTIAL COST POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS ON CENTRAL SAVINGS ON FINANCE REPORTING COMPLIANCE As a result of more streamlined and At both a product level and centralized optimized data quality, transparency basis due to improved transparency and and internal controls. auditability of financial transactions. 50% 50% POTENTIAL COST POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS ON SAVINGS ON BUSINESS CENTRALIZED OPERATIONS OPERATIONS Such as trade support, middle office, Such as KYC and client onboarding clearance, settlement and investigations due to more robust digital identities by reducing or eliminating the need for and mutualization of client data reconciliation, confirmation and trade among participants. break analysis as key parts of a more efficient and effective clearance and settlement process.

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