Progressively bolster and allocate your innovation investments so you can test and turn new ideas into commercial realities faster. The relative success of companies in these industries doesn’t mean they’re invincible, especially if fault lines and inefficiencies are ignored. Chemicals companies, for example, are performing strongly, with average annual revenue growth rates 64% of 5.7 percent over the past five years. But investment in the future is showing signs of slowing. This comes at a time of rising threats: unique VC deals in the industry of companies in the 9 have more than tripled, from 226 in 2011 to 691 in 2018. Chemicals sector Leaders in these industries focus on building a pipeline of new ideas rather than allocate innovation sweating their core assets. More importantly, they bolster and allocate the capital investments based necessary to ensure they can commercialize new ideas with future potential before on future potential. their competitors do. These industries have benefited from decades-old business models that served them well. Unsurprisingly, they aren’t prepared to let go of proven success formulas. Disruptors are kept at bay by the incumbents—for now. 20 BREAKING THROUGH DISRUPTION

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