REFERENCES 1 Percentage of companies from sectors scoring above the 10 BASF weighted average on ‘current level of disruption’. This equates to 11 BASF 4,889 unique companies with Enterprise Value (market cap + net debt) of $41tn (out of $75tn). Sample comprises the largest (by 12 EurekAlert revenue) 10,000 operating, publicly listed companies, with 471 13 BASF excluded because they are multi-sector holding companies or in industries out of scope 14 Accenture Research estimates based on interviews 2 Milken Institute’s Global Conference 2018, ‘Strategy and 15 Reuters leadership in an age of disruption’ 16 ZDNet 3 Percentages denote the proportion of companies in given year that are in an industry that is positioned in the particular 17 TechCrunch disruption period based on the given year’s weighted averages 18 IDC for Susceptibility and Current Level of Disruption 19 Accenture Strategy, Striking Balance with Whole-Brain Leadership. 4 Capital IQ data on all US-based companies that have gone Based on a telephone survey of 200 C-suite executives conducted in bankrupt France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US between February 5 Washington Post and April 2019 6 20 Business Insider Hearst 21 7 Capital IQ Walmart 8 Microsoft, Skype, Microsoft 22 TechCrunch 9 CB Insights 23 Barron’s 36 BREAKING THROUGH DISRUPTION

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