TIME FOR COURAGE No longer can companies assume that disruption is just a passing storm they need to ride out. As Bob Iger, Chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, once said: “We have to be different when that 23 storm clears. We can’t be the same.” Responding to persistent disruption requires a radical departure from familiar strategies. Your path to repositioning starts by understanding the disruption trends: How disruptable is your industry today? How has disruption evolved in your industry over time? It takes shape when you put innovation to work in ways that enable you to set the right pace—whether you create your next cutting edge earlier than others, fund your future bets to turn new ideas into commercial reality, scale ideas faster through new partnerships or develop world-class in-house innovation capabilities. Then your company will not only be different once the storm clears: It’ll be stronger for the next one. 31 BREAKING THROUGH DISRUPTION

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