#CFOReimagined Executive summary Finance executives are uniquely well equipped to thrive in this era of unprecedented disruption. Their knowledge and expertise So, what’s the nexus of opportunity Simply put, the CFO’s role are increasingly sought after across for companies and how are CFOs is increasingly fast-paced, business functions, while CEOs and the wider finance function far-reaching and much are making them their most reinventing themselves to maximize broader in impact across trusted advisors. business performance and create the whole organization. sustainable growth? After years of moving beyond their traditional “back office” duties, CFOs Accenture’s research dives are positioned to be powerful digital deeply into the transforming— guardians who use data to drive value, and transformational—role of the improve efficiency and enable strategy. CFO to uncover trends, obstacles and best practices for organizations Many of them, however, must ready to pivot to the New. overcome significant challenges in order to seize these new opportunities and effectively play a broader role. 6 The CFO Reimagined: from driving value to building the digital enterprise