How CFOs can seize the moment #CFOReimagined Digital transformation is now a competitive necessity for most organizations. The pace of digital Look across the enterprise to prioritize digital Focus on how to innovate and scale disruption is such investments. Test cases with rapid paybacks at speed. Deploy agile methods and that CFOs are can help self-fund the transformation. outcome-based design principles. looking for ways Find common ground with other business Build stewardship and governance to accelerate it. units on the scope of digitalization for structures to measure performance The following finance and the pace at which to pursue it. and ensure accountability for outcomes. recommendations can help: Clearly connect the investments being made Constantly evaluate the portfolio of with the commercial returns the business digital investments to ensure continued expects to realize. This allows for immediate relevance and value. re-prioritization and increased confidence in the return on investment. Encourage teams to pursue innovation and support them so they are not afraid Seek out the financial value that digital of taking risks. investments in the rest of the business can deliver. For example, can sensors on equipment Recognize that success is not linear serve as an input to capital planning and and that change requires patience. maintenance budgeting by providing predictive information on asset performance? 30 The CFO Reimagined: from driving value to building the digital enterprise