The impact of the top 10 workplace culture factors on an innovation mindset. 8 of the 10 strongest drivers are about empowerment The organization provides training to keep its employees’ skills relevant Virtual/remote working is widely available and is common practice Company training times and formats are flexible Supervisors respond favorably to flexible working requests Employees have the freedom to be creative Empowering and innovative Enviroment Leaders set a positive example around work- Bold life balance Leadership The organization has made progress on building a Comprehensive workplace where no one feels excluded Action Participation in women’s network is open to men and women The organization respects employees’ needs to balance work with other commitments Leadership team is diverse 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Percent improvement in innovation mindset 19 GETTING TO EQUAL 2019: CREATING A CULTURE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION