Accenture research shows the strength of the innovation-culture connection. How are people Business leaders say they empower perceiving the link between workplace environment employees to innovate—but employees and innovation today? are less likely to agree. Nearly everyone wants—and needs—to innovate. Ninety-five percent of business leaders see innovation as vital to competitiveness and business viability, and 76% Business leaders who say they empower 91 percent of employees want to be innovative. employees to innovate But while 76 percent of leaders say they regularly empower employees to be innovative, only 42 percent of employees agree. Why such a disconnect? It seems that leaders mistakenly believe that some encourage innovation more than they actually do. For instance, they 42% Employees who feel empowered to overestimate financial rewards (which are nevertheless innovate still important) and underestimate purpose as a motivator to innovate. 14 GETTING TO EQUAL 2019: CREATING A CULTURE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION