The secret to innovation? Your workplace culture. Innovation equals survival. It’s well documented that in This means that building a culture of equality this age of widespread disruption, companies must (measured by the 40 specific workplace factors innovate continuously, creating new markets, Accenture research identified last year) is not just an experiences, products, services, content or processes. ethical imperative, but a business priority. So how can leaders encourage innovation? It’s more If organizations want to thrive, they have to “get to than recruiting the brightest minds. While having the equal.” best talent is clearly an asset, people need the right The power of a workplace culture of equality to drive culture to flourish. employees’ innovation mindset—or their willingness Accenture has found that a culture and ability to innovate—is strong. It has more impact of equality—the same kind of than age or gender and leads to an increase in workplace environment that helps innovation mindset in all industries and all countries. In fact, employees’ innovation mindset is six times everyone advance to higher higher in the most-equal cultures than in the least- positions—is a powerful multiplier of equal ones. innovation and growth. Innovation also equals economic potential. Among the more than 18,000 employees in 27 countries 2 GETTING TO EQUAL 2019: CREATING A CULTURE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION