02 Measure employees’ innovation mindset 04 Estimate the value of innovation mindset Next, we measured the innovation mindset of the Plotting the aggregated innovation mindset employees in our survey. Innovation mindset—the scores for each country against the GDP and willingness and ability of employees to be labor productivity growth rates for the same innovative at work—is a score, ranging from 0 to countries (using data from the World Bank, 100, derived from their answers to a series of 31 the International Labor Organization and questions. Oxford Economics) reveals a strong positive correlation between higher innovation mindset scores and growth. We used these relationship rates to estimate the impact on 03 Determine the relationship between workplace global GDP of improving innovation mindset culture and innovation mindset scores. We built an econometric regression model to identify the strength and statistical significance of the relationship between workplace culture and employees’ innovation mindset. As workplace culture improves, innovation mindset gets stronger. 32 GETTING TO EQUAL 2019: CREATING A CULTURE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION