Full Report Regional hampion As ‚anks look to concentrate on serving a client‡ ‚anks must emplo intelligent model should focus on deepening loal client ‚ase‡ the Regional hampion segmentation to ensure an appropriate penetration ­ithin their e‘isting client model is gaining increasing attentionˆ The level of serviceˆ As corporates tend to ‚ase and‡ ­here appropriate‡ reinvesting model is ‚ased on effectivel cross’selling have lo­er price sensitivit and a lo­er profits in providing ‚alance sheet for risk management and financing solutions freŒuenc of trading‡ ‚anks are a‚le lending‡ a service corporate clients to e‘isting corporate clients‡ ­hich given to charge ­ide‡ profita‚le spreads‡ ‚ut value highlˆ the nature of stick long’term relationships segmentation is again important here and lo­ price sensitivities‡ creates a to ensure appropriate pricing‡ especiall sustaina‚le and profita‚le franchiseˆ given rising transparencˆ ‹hilst a simple model to e‘ecute‡ a Banks ­ill need to assist clients ­ith strong foundation of e‘isting corporate ne­ derivative trading reŒuirements –eˆgˆ relationships‡ ‚ased around a core ‚anking posting collateral and margin calls— and proposition or primar markets advisor‡ is pricing ma also need to take into account a pre’reŒuisiteˆ lients value service Œualit the increasing cost to serve as regulator ‚ut as the volumes var from client to and compliance costs riseˆ Adopters of the Figure ­ Regional hamƒion Model Key Choice Pre-re‚uisite to enaƒle cross-sell Conse‚uence Primary Markets †utcome Relationship Eisting Long erm­ Core Banking (e.g. NMD Sticy elationships Proposition Core „usiness €low Performance …ifferentiator Effective Cross-Sell Lening Source Accenture Research is Management €inancing Seconary Marets High Service Quality Balance Sheet Low Price Commitment Sensitivity Targeted Service Effective Delivery Information Management Wide Systems Spreads Appropriate Cost Targeted to Serve Technology nvestment igh igh proits Proits €3

Focus for Success | Full Report - Page 14 Focus for Success | Full Report Page 13 Page 15