ACT LIKE THE TOP 10% 01 Adopt technologies that make the organization fast and flexible Leaders create architectures Leaders are moving to decoupled data, infrastructure Even digital native companies are faced with the need and processes built for change and applications that enable greater flexibility and a to update monolithic enterprise architectures. When 100 faster-moving IT culture. Eighty-three percent of them one travel industry disruptor first launched their agree that it’s important to decouple data from legacy business just over a decade ago, speed to market was infrastructure, compared with only 37% of Laggards. paramount, so getting the right long-term, scalable architecture in place wasn’t a priority. 80 Laggards are also far behind in the adoption of DevOps, automation and continuous integration/continuous Then the company faced the challenge of scaling its deployment, with a 29% adoption rate compared with 98% platform to meet the demands of a growing customer LEADERS of Leaders. All of these technologies and approaches are base and geographic expansion. As part of a 60 97% designed to help companies eliminate dependencies in their decoupling initiative, it migrated its platform to systems and processes, which in turn makes them more microservices, which allows the company to rapidly agile. Across the world, companies cite architecture flexibility respond to change and add new features as it as one of the biggest barriers to innovating at scale. (See experiences explosive growth. 40 Figure 13) Leaders opt for flexible, uniform and scalable Leaders’ adoption of critical technologies that allow architectures capable of responding to market decoupling outpaces that of Laggards by a massive demands, like seamless customer payments. Laggards, 20 margin: 97% to 30%. These technologies include on the other hand, find it difficult to move away from LAGGARDS microservice architectures (enabled by a suite of tools that rigid IT architectures, which leaves them unable to break applications into simple, discrete services), containers maximize investments in innovation. 30% (a way to package an application so it can be run in isolation from other processes) and Kubernetes (an open-source 0 container-orchestration system for automating application Figure 8: Leaders’ adoption of critical technologies deployment, scaling and management). (See Figure 8) that allow decoupling outpaces that of Laggards by a massive margin. Future Systems 18