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Embrace the generative AI era: Six adoption essentials Accelerate ecosystem innovation Level-up your responsible AI Creating a foundation model can be a complex, The rapid adoption of generative AI brings fresh urgency 5compute-intensive and costly exercise. And for 6to the need for every organization to have a robust all but the very largest global companies, doing it responsible AI compliance regime in place. This includes entirely on their own will be beyond their means controls for assessing the potential risk of generative AI and capabilities. The good news is that there is a use cases at the design stage and a means to embed burgeoning ecosystem to call on, with substantial responsible AI approaches throughout the business. investments by cloud hyperscalers, big tech players, Accenture’s research suggests most companies still and start-ups. Global investment in AI startups have a long way to go. Our 2022 survey of 850 senior and scale-ups is estimated to exceed $50 billion in executives globally revealed widespread recognition 13 2023 alone. These partners bring best practices of the importance of responsible AI and AI regulation. honed over many years, and can provide valuable But only 6 percent of organisations felt they had a fully insights into using foundation models efficiently robust responsible AI foundation in place. and effectively in specific use cases. Having the right network of partners—including technology An organization’s responsible AI principles should be companies, professional services firms and academic defined and led from the top and translated into an institutions—will be key to navigating rapid change. effective governance structure for risk management and compliance, both with organizational principles and policies and applicable laws and regulations. Responsible AI must be CEO-led, beginning with a focus on training and awareness and then expanding to focus on execution and compliance. Accenture was one of the first to take this approach to Responsible AI years ago, with a CEO-led agenda, and now a formal compliance program. Our own experience shows that a principles- driven compliance approach provides guardrails while being flexible enough to evolve with the fast pace of changing technology, ensuring companies aren’t constantly playing “catch up.” To be responsible by design, organizations need to move from a reactive compliance strategy to the proactive development of mature Responsible AI capabilities through a framework that includes principles and governance; risk, policy and control; technology and enablers and culture and training. A new era of generative AI for everyone | 18

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