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The future of AI is accelerating This is a pivotal moment. For several years, Businesses are right to be optimistic about the generative AI and foundation models have been potential of generative AI to radically change how quietly revolutionizing the way we think about work get done and what services and products machine intelligence. Now, thanks to ChatGPT, they can create. They also need to be realistic the whole world has woken up to the possibilities about the challenges that come with profoundly this creates. rethinking how the organization works, with implications for IT, organization, culture, and While artificial general intelligence (AGI) remains responsibility by design. a distant prospect, the speed of development continues to be breathtaking. We’re at the start of Companies need to invest as much in evolving an incredibly exciting era that will fundamentally operations and training people as they do in transform the way information is accessed, technology. Radically rethinking how work gets content is created, customer needs are served, done, and helping people keep up with technology- and businesses are run. driven change, will be two of the most important factors in realizing the full potential of this step- Embedded into the enterprise digital core, change in AI technology. generative AI, LLMs, and foundation models will optimize tasks, augment human capabilities, and Now’s the time for companies to use open up new avenues for growth. In the process, breakthrough advances in AI to set new these technologies will create an entirely new performance frontiers—redefining themselves language for enterprise reinvention. and the industries in which they operate. A new era of generative AI for everyone | 20

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