A TRADITIONAL M&A APPROACH DOESN’T WORK FOR DIGITAL Despite companies’ best efforts, many M&A deals do not bring the hoped-for results. Technology can make a significant impact, from enabling an accelerated and better-informed deal process to improved post-merger integration. Company executives are recognizing this, with 84 percent agreeing the CIO should have a seat at the M&A table. Of the companies Accenture Strategy surveyed, the learning curve seems to be fast and steep for digital mergers and acquisitions. Already, 61 percent use a different pre-deal team and evaluation criteria for M&A investments, having recognized a need for such. (See “The Dynamic Duo.”) More than half (56 percent) follow different valuation and cost models from their traditional M&A toolset. Forty-nine percent use a different playbook. In addition, 58 percent say technology is already allowing them to achieve targets and capture value faster in their M&A deals. It’s not just the tools that must differ for digital deals. Three out of four executives (78 percent) agree or strongly agree that companies cannot rely on their current M&A capabilities for digital deals and must hire digital leaders into their M&A organizations to succeed. 9 | M&A: FROM ART TO SCIENCE