Actionable points to help ensure liquidity: NEXT 2. New CapExgovernance Declining business performance, increasing liquidity constraints and overall dilution in return on invested capital (ROIC) will likely drive many companies and industries to take drastic decisions on canceling CapEx investments. While this has an immediate positive cash effect, it can slow down recovery from the crisis and cause companies to lose their competitive edge. The liquidity control tower can help organizations with CapExgovernance by ensuring better capital allocation decisions and improving certainty on in-flows and out- flows of cash. The liquidity control tower team helps equip CFOs with insights to challenge predictions on CapExreturns and paybacks and provide both CEOs and CFOs control of all decision-making before the investment is made. The liquidity control tower also helps monitor results throughout the investment in all areas of the organization. 14 Managing Total Liquidity in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis