Within 30 days Dedicate data analytics specialists to model roll-rate projections beyond payment deferrals and to better understand the credit risk position of the bank—ideally in real time, using all available internal and external data to guide targeted interventions. Existing analytics resources should be redirected to credit management as some banks’ success will depend on their ability to understand and predict changes in credit risk. Avoid disruption of business as usual.Traditional new loans, albeit at smaller volumes, are still going to require attention along with annual reviews. It will be important to segregate credit action relating to the COVID-19 crisis, where possible. Partner with ecosystem players to improve the speed and the scalability of loan processing. A large commercial bank in Hong Kong redirected specific loan application types, that typically took much longer to process, to a digital fintech in the region. The loans were underwritten and passed back to the bank as term sheets once they were ready for funding. 8 Copyright © 2020 Accenture. All rights reserved.