In the last 12 months however, this mindset has started hearing directly from the designers and engineers who to change. Eighty-two percent of IT executives reported were involved in its creation. In another case, D-Wave, 63% rampinguptheiruseofcloudtechnologies indirect one of the leading companies exploring quantum response to the crisis, and 66 percent of the respondents computing, gave free access to its “Leap” quantum of executives report the pace reported that they will continue to grow their use of cloud platform to anyone working on solutions for of digital transformation for their cloud for the foreseeable future.8Ninety-five percent of COVID-19—an effort that exposed many to the utility companies said they are seeking new ways of engaging of quantum computing.12And Neolix, a Beijing-based organization isaccelerating. 9From food delivery maker of robo-delivery trucks, reported soaring orders customers as a result of COVID-19. platforms that kept restaurants connected to customers asthepandemiccleared cars offroads andopened to the rise of telehealth services and e-commerce, the customers’ eyes to the advantages of driverless delivery.13 pandemicopenedenterprises’eyesto anewreality. Byaccelerating their transformations to meet the needs 92% Cloud is now at the core of the company, not just the of a world in crisis, these enterprises ignited a new and periphery, andtechnology isnolonger just onevehicle different future—one predicated on technology. for success— it’s the vehicle all possible success of executives report that their 10 Rapid digital acceleration during the pandemic has organization is innovating with an dependson. cemented technology as the cornerstone of global urgencyandcall toaction thisyear. And what started as an attempt to solve immediate leadership. ‘Just enough’ is not enough now. The gap problems during the pandemic has quickly become an between digital leaders and laggards grows by the day opportunity to rapidly re-platform the enterprise, create and committing to a wait-and-see approach will land entirely new kinds of value, and become an industry companies on the wrong side of that gap. Leadership leader. Ford created 10 interactive augmented reality demands that enterprises prioritize technology innovation videos to help customers experience the new electric in response to a radically changing world. Small pilots 11 Mustang Mach-E without needing to go for test drives. and incremental scaling are an obsolete luxury, and the Potential customers can explore all the features of the friction between research, development, and large-scale newcarusingacompletelyinteractive 3Dmodel,while deployment must diminishordisappear.

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