Surveydemographics Businesssurvey Accenture Research conducted a global survey of 6,241 business and IT executives to capture insights into the adoption anduse of emergingtechnologies. The survey, fielded from December 2020through January 2021, helped identify the key issues and priorities for technology adoption and investment. Respondents were C-level executives and directors at companies across 31 countries and 14 industries. 31Countries 1 Argentina 10 France 19 Norway 28 Thailand 2 Australia 11 Germany 20 Peru 29 United Arab 3 Austria 12 India 21 Portugal Emirates 4 Brazil 13 Indonesia 22 SaudiArabia 30 UnitedKingdom 5 Canada 14 Ireland 23 Singapore 31 UnitedStates 6 Chile 15 Italy 24 SouthAfrica 7 China 16 Japan 25 Spain 8 Colombia 17 Malaysia 26 Sweden 9 Finland 18 Mexico 27 Switzerland