But make no mistake, transforming the enterprise into a technology leader cannotbecontainedtotheoversightoftheCIOorCTOalone.Tobesuccessful, a digital-first approach must be fostered by the entire C-suite and manifested acrossallareasoftheorganization. Becoming a Master of Change begins with Enterprises must also ensure their people Finally, the challenges and opportunities ahead architecting the future and recognizing are empowered to become drivers of change— are vast and businesses will not be able to thatbusinessandtechnology strategiesare an outcome achievable through technology tackle them alone. Multiparty systems will increasinglyindistinguishable. Architecture has democratization, which is making powerful helpbusinesses lead bychangingthewaythey nevermatteredmoreasthetechnology choices technology capabilities accessible without the partner. From supply chains to digital ecosystems, businesses make today will determine what the needforspecialized skills. Enterprises can ignite the pandemic showed just how brittle globe- business can or cannot do long into the future. grassroots innovation by equipping every spanning relationships can be. By rebuilding Competition isbecoming abattle oftechnology employee with the tools and skills to build these partnerships with technology at the center, stacks—and onesizefits none. technology solutions at the point of need. enterprises are findingways to adapt together. As leaders thread technology through all The enterprise can change from anywhere Anewfutureisonthehorizon—onethat’sdifferent aspects of the business, the valuable troves of andeverywhere as it equips the workforce from what the world expected. As this future takes datagenerated arebeingusedtobuildmassive to bringyourownenvironment.Thesingle shape, there will be no room for enterprises that networks of intelligent digital twins. The Mirrored biggest workforce shiftin livingmemory is cling to the past. Will you watch the world change World these next-generation twins create is positioning businessesto explorethebenefits around you? Orbetheoneleadingit?People fuelingchangebyunlockingthecurrently trapped of a virtualized workforce and expand the are ready for something new and it’s time for value of data and allowing enterprises to simulate, boundaries of the enterprise. enterprises to join them. Let there be change. predict, and automate by seamlessly bridging the dividebetweendigital and physical.