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Focusing beyond firms that managed to reduce emissions financial metrics from their operations, 70% used AI to achieve those reductions. Likewise, of the Achievers also develop strong surveyed companies that made strides relationships with customers—by in measuring and disclosing their carbon building trust, reducing churn and footprints more transparently, 75% used AI boosting the quality and safety of to make such progress. offerings. Our stakeholder performance model showed with high statistical One US-based utility company conducts significance that Achievers score 8% remote monitoring of its extensive grid higher than Experimenters on customer infrastructure via satellites, drones and experience (see Appendix for more other surveillance tools. With the help of on methodology). advanced analytics, machine learning and computer vision, the company is able to Additionally, they double down on their quickly identify and prioritize areas for commitment to sustainability by, for maintenance, improve public safety and instance, rigorously measuring and mitigate the effects of climate change. reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, consuming water and other natural The stakeholder performance resources more economically and model revealed the value-creation gap using AI responsibly. between Achievers and other companies is significant when it comes Accenture’s Sustainable Technology to sustainability. survey of more than 500 multinational companies found that of the surveyed The art of AI maturity—Advancing from practice to performance 16

The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture - Page 16 The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture Page 15 Page 17