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The incentive to move quickly is strong. Figure 2: Evolution of companies' AI-influenced revenue share from 2018 to 2024* We found, for example, that the share of companies’ revenue that is “AI-influenced” more than doubled between 2018 and 2021 and is expected to roughly triple between 2018 and 2024 (Figure 2). Given the evidence, it’s easy to see why companies plan to increase and accelerate their AI investments. In 2021, 19% of companies dedicated >30% of their tech budgets to AI development. By 2024, 49% of companies intend to. Note: Color indicates the achieved AI-influenced revenue threshold within each time period. Source: Accenture Research Note: *2024 = projected *Definition of “AI-influenced” revenues: a. Sales of existing products and services made possible through better AI-driven insights on customers, supply chain, channels ; b. Sales of new products and services made possible by human + AI , c. Higher prices through dynamic pricing ML algorithms. These sales include some cannibalization and net new revenues. In contrast, this definition is excluding higher efficiencies in production operations thanks to AI. The art of AI maturity—Advancing from practice to performance 7

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