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AI maturity: What it is If most organizations are racing to embrace AI, why are some seeing more value than others? To uncover strategies for AI success, not only in data and AI, but also in AI maturity measures the Accenture designed a holistic AI-maturity organizational strategy, talent and framework. Fittingly, our analysis itself was culture—to give companies a strong degree to which organizations conducted using AI. competitive advantage. (See pages 36 have mastered AI-related and 37 for key capability descriptions.) We applied machine learning models capabilities in the right to unravel massive survey datasets and This includes foundational AI uncover drivers of AI maturity that would capabilities—like cloud platforms and combination to achieve high have been impossible to detect using tools, data platforms, architecture and more traditional analytical methods governance—that are required to keep performance for customers, (more on the methodology in pace with competitors. It also includes the Appendix). “differentiation” AI capabilities, like shareholders and employees. AI strategy and C-suite sponsorship, Our research found that AI maturity combined with a culture of innovation comes down to mastering a set of key that can set companies apart. capabilities in the right combinations— The art of AI maturity—Advancing from practice to performance 9

The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture - Page 9 The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture Page 8 Page 10