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AI, applied across industries • One food delivery service uses deep • A large Australian telco deployed AI • In the public sector, Metro de learning to guide drivers to the best to quantify the effectiveness of its Madrid, one of the world’s oldest delivery routes. AI models analyze individual marketing initiatives. The urban rail systems, deployed AI more than 2,000 variables, from firm was able to measure some 4,000 algorithms to sift through mountains the latest food ordering trends to different marketing metrics and, in of data—on everything from air traffic conditions, to make real-time the process, has created a world- temperature at individual stations, recommendations. class marketing performance insights to train frequency and passenger capability, with a range of strategic patterns, to electricity prices—to • A large chemicals and energy firm and tactical applications. The telco is reduce its annual energy intake is using drones and AI-powered using insights gained from Marketing by 25%. computer vision to monitor its Mix Modeling (MMM) to optimize equipment and remote locations. the allocation of marketing spend, • A major US-based beverage bottler The upshot: More frequent messaging and media. used AI to consolidate data sources inspections at lower cost to the and measure the effect of promotions company and fewer safety risks for • A leading solar-panel installer is on different retailers and markets, its maintenance workers. using satellite photos and deep- boosting the bottler’s annual sales learning algorithms to create fully by 3%. • A Middle East-based telco uses automated rooftop-installation plans AI-driven virtual assistants—which and price estimates. In addition to can communicate in different Arab offering end customers an industry- dialects as well as in English—to first ability to self-design their deftly handle some 1.65 million systems, the company expects its AI- customer calls each month. led design efforts to ultimately lower the firm’s sales costs by 25%. The art of AI maturity—Advancing from practice to performance 12

The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture - Page 12 The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture Page 11 Page 13