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Success Factor 04 Design AI responsibly, from the start As companies deploy AI for a growing The ability to demonstrate high-quality, range of tasks, adhering to laws, trustworthy AI systems that are regulations and ethical norms is critical to “regulation ready” will give first movers building a sound data and AI foundation. a significant advantage in the short- and The potential for regulatory changes in long-term, enabling them to attract new many countries makes the challenge even customers, retain existing ones and build more daunting. investor confidence. In a separate Accenture study of 850 Achievers are consciously applying C-suite executives, we sought to gauge responsible AI with greater urgency than attitudes towards AI regulation and assess their peers. Achievers are 53% more likely, organizations’ readiness to comply. on average, than Builders and Innovators to be responsible by design: designing, Nearly all (97%) respondents believed developing and deploying AI with good that regulation will impact them to some intention to empower employees and extent, and 77% indicated that compliance businesses, and to fairly impact is a company-wide priority. Interestingly, customers and society—allowing many organizations view AI regulation as a companies to engender trust and boon rather than a barrier to success. scale AI with confidence. The art of AI maturity—Advancing from practice to performance 25

The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture - Page 25 The Art of AI Maturity | Accenture Page 24 Page 26