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TTechnology Vechnology Vision 2ision 2023 023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits #T#TechVechVisionision that maintenance needs can be quickly resolved and While the budding metaverse continuum is the engineers can better understand how 3D-printed most attention-grabbing frontier on the path to steel might be used in future projects. our new reality, it’s hardly the only one. OpenAI open-sourced one of the most powerful Automatic Other companies are endeavoring to thread Speech Recognition (ASR) neural networks, called digital back into physical. Google has been slowly Whisper, which was trained on nearly 700,000 hours integrating a new way昀椀nding feature into Google of speech-related data and approaches human- Maps called Live View. It creates an overlay of details 16 ASR and natural language like levels of accuracy. about, or directions around, users’ environments via processing are fusing the digital and physical by 13 And Snap doing away with today’s abstractions like keyboards geolocators and smartphone cameras. has been expanding its AR technology far beyond and gestures and allowing people to engage 昀椀lters, partnering with companies like Amazon, the digital world in one of the most human ways Puma, and Ralph Lauren to integrate 3D product possible: speech. modeling and augmented reality try-on features 14, 15 into the shopping experience. This blurring of Or consider the growing trend of cobots the digital-physical boundary is now exposing new (collaborative robots), a market that is set to expand We’ve arrived at an exciting frontier of technology modes of commerce: the company is rolling out a 17 These machines let the innovation for businesses, one where we’re not just to $16.3 billion by 2028. new “Dress Up” feature where users can discover, power of machine intelligence and automation digitizing but starting to put that digital foundation try on, and shop for new products directly in the app, bleed into the physical world, allowing people to to work. Fusing digital and physical is not only and the company reported 250 million people had work more naturally and unearth new ef昀椀ciencies. generating new products and services, it’s the force In one example, Moxi, a cobot designed for used its AR shopping lenses over 昀椀ve billion times behind a new era of scienti昀椀c research. Leaders are in just one year alone. hospitals, was able to save healthcare workers at one creating the next set of tools and disruptions poised hospital 3,200 hours by taking care of routine tasks to rewrite how the world works. And what’s become like deliveries and allowing the staff to spend more clear is that when atoms and bits collide, truly new 18 time giving care to patients. possibilities emerge.

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