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Technology Vision 2023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits #TechVision Now that’s starting to change. More enterprises are due to advances in computational immunology widening their innovation efforts to focus on the used to develop vaccine candidates—and virtual entirety of the feedback loop and are seeing just communication and collaboration technologies how powerfully disruptive the intersection of science proved critical as well.240, 241 and technology can be. What this achievement demonstrated is that The COVID-19 pandemic created global pressure certain technologies could accelerate the science- and urgency to innovate to a degree that we hadn’t technology feedback loop faster than anyone knew. seen in decades, and leaders responded with high The digital technologies that had been amplifying investment in emerging technologies to help them business capabilities for years were focused on a drive science and deliver new solutions at breakneck new domain: science-led innovation. It radically speed. It was a period of massive innovation reshaped our approach to scienti昀椀c innovation, from compression, the impact of which will continue to how quickly we can achieve results to its potential be felt for a decade or more. impact on enterprises and our lives—a big bang of computing and science. Now, with the world largely Consider the development of COVID-19 vaccines. In emerging from the crisis, we’re putting those lessons late December 2019, the 昀椀rst COVID-19 cases were to work. reported by Chinese health of昀椀cials. By January 10, scientists had published the genomic sequence Every organization needs to start rethinking their of SARS-CoV-2, and by mid-March, vaccine trials innovation strategies with an eye to how technology 238, 239 had begun. By the end of 2020, multiple is driving science, and how science will in turn mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 demonstrating over drive technology in coming years. The speed of the 90% ef昀椀cacy had been created. These vaccines science-technology feedback loop is one of the were developed at unprecedented speed (often, biggest variables setting the pace of innovation, and this process could take over a decade), largely investments in the technologies to accelerate it are

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