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TTechnology Vechnology Vision 2ision 2023 023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits #T#TechVechVisionision A day in our new reali: Miriam After coffee with Alex and Ben, Miriam decides and 昀椀tneand 昀椀tness wss weeararableables dats data. Ua. Using this infsing this information,ormation, as was well as cityell as city--wide air quality datwide air quality data, the docta, the doctor seeor seess to walk to work. Her company’s of昀椀ce is only 20 minutes away, but before long she’s lightheaded, that spikthat spikees in Miriams in Miriam’’s hes hearart rt ratate and blood pre and blood preessurssuree short of breath, and feels a sharp pain in her chest. arare corre correlatelated with upticked with upticks in pollution. Shes in pollution. She’’ss Panicking, she calls an ambulance. diagnosed with sediagnosed with sevverere ene envirvironmentonmental asthma andal asthma and rrecommended fecommended for an eor an experimentxperimental drug drug trial. Miriam’s call automatically triggers an app on her phone, which grants emergency services access to As parAs part of the trial, shet of the trial, she’ll r’ll recorecord the frd the frequencequencyy her medical records. When paramedics arrive a few of her asthma atof her asthma atttackacks and her adhers and her adherence tence to theo the minutes later, they’ve already checked her allergy drug rdrug regimen in her appegimen in her app. The inf. The information willormation will and medical history, and give her a shot to ease her be anonbe anonymizymized, and then uploaded ted, and then uploaded to a publico a public breathing. Once it takes effect, the paramedic in datdatabase fabase for ror reeseseararcherchers and docts and doctorors ts to analyo analyzzee.. charge updates her medication history and signs SomedaSomedaSomedaSomeday when the study concludey when the study concludey when the study concludey when the study concludes and her ts and her ts and her ts and her teeeestststst with a thumbprint. Then, their access to her grgrgroup is roup is roup is reeevvveeealed, the app will autaled, the app will autaled, the app will automatically updatomatically updatomatically updateee records ends. so her medical histso her medical histso her medical histso her medical historororory is alwy is alwy is alwy is alwaaaays completys completys completys completeeee.... Later, Miriam’s doctor wants to dig deeper into the issue, so Miriam uses her app again to grant the doctor access to her records—speci昀椀cally health

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