Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision Industries Revenue (USD) 2% 6% Aerospace and Defense 1% High Tech 4% $50 billion or more 2% Automotive 5% Higher Education (US) 4% $20 to $49.9 billion 6% 14% $10 to $19.9 billion 14% 50% Banking 6% Industrial Goods and Equipment 6% $5 to $9.9 billion 27% 27% Biopharma 1% Insurance 6% $1 to $4.9 billion 50% Capital Markets 3% Media and Entertainment 2% Central Government (CA) 1% MedTech 1% Roles Chemicals 5% Natural Resources 4% Chief Digital Of昀椀cer 1% Chief Risk Of昀椀cer 2% Communications 4% Public Service 6% Chief Executive Of昀椀cer 5% Chief Security Of昀椀cer 4% Chief Finance Of昀椀cer 10% Chief Strategy Of昀椀cer 4% Consumer Goods and Services 6% Retail 6% Chief Human Resources Of昀椀cer 12% Chief Supply Chain Of昀椀cer 2% Energy 4% Software and Platforms 4% Chief Information Of昀椀cer 5% Chief Sustainability Of昀椀cer 2% Chief Information Security Of昀椀cer 8% Chief Technology Of昀椀cer 4% Federal Government (US) 4% Travel 3% Chief Innovation Of昀椀cer 2% Chief Transformation Of昀椀cer 1% Healthcare Payor (US) 2% Utilities 4% Chief Marketing Of昀椀cer 13% Director of Business Function 6% Chief Operating Of昀椀cer 9% Director of Technology 8% Health Provider 6% Chief Purchasing Of昀椀cer 1%

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