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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision platform, including both its codebase and foundries Though a relatively new 昀椀eld, synthetic biology is 272 (labs), for its customers. Its codebase consists being used already. It’s well-known for aiding in Driven forward by of cells, enzymes, and genetic programs, which the development of the COVID-19 vaccine, but technological advances organism engineers can use to start projects. And it’s also used by Bolt Threads to make bio-based the foundries are its factories, which combine leather and Upside Foods to produce synthetic 275, 276, 277 in DNA sequencing automation, analytics, and software to automate meat like duck, beef, and chicken. Synthetic and synthesis and and scale organism engineering. Not surprisingly, biology techniques can also be used to make technology-inspired Ginkgo’s website draws many parallels to software dyes, cosmetics, and spices. Not only are these best practices, engineering, and its platform has been likened to new and innovative products, but they are more cloud platforms like AWS. environmentally friendly and sustainable than synthetic biology their alternatives. combines engineering Another example of synthetic biology being driven principles with by technology-inspired practices comes from the From materials and energy to Earth and space and biology to create new BioBricks Foundation. The organization is attempting bio-innovation, these three domains are just a few to establish an open-source synthetic biology early ways the science technology feedback loop organisms or enhance movement, inspired by the open-source software is already at work. And each of them has huge existing ones. movement, through programs like bionet, which potential impact on the futures of companies and is an open technology commons for scientists to industries. As more companies start to recognize share their materials in the name of collaboration, that and take advantage of technology-driven 273, 274 standardization, and sharing for science. scienti昀椀c advances, the building blocks of innovation In short, synthetic biology as we know it today will start to change, and stragglers will quickly be has clear computer science- and engineering- left behind. inspired origins.

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