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TTechnology Vechnology Vision 2ision 2023 023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits t r #T#TechVechVisionision i e v e l e l u i c e l t s a a n s t p c s e i A day in our new reali: Alex n o d i n r o n e Alex is a farm manager, responsible for hundreds Today’s news: satellite images show an anomaly in of acres of land in the Midwestern United States. one of her soybean 昀椀elds. Alex heads out to inspect It’s a lot to keep track of—but she’s not doing it the 昀椀eld, and to her dismay, 昀椀nds discoloration on alone. Every morning, she starts her day with a the crop leaves. She’s pretty sure she knows what it is but takes a dozen photos and uploads them for brie昀椀ng from TerraWise, her AI assistant for all things agriculture. TerraWise to con昀椀rm. a s n l c a y i t I A a o b r h s d a TerraWise regularly aggregates and analyzes a Later, during a coffee break with her friends, d massive stream of data, from soil sensors, drone TerraWise pings her with the results. As she footage, farm equipment, satellite images, weather suspected—it’s soybean rust. This can spread forecasts, and more, and alerts Alex to the most quickly, so they need to act fast. Using what it knows important information. about the history of the 昀椀eld, as well as leading research on soybean rust, TerraWise generates a t custom fungicide plan for the affected crop, as s n u a r e b y o s well as preventative treatment for surrounding 昀椀elds. It also sends an alert to neighboring farms’ AI assistants. With luck and her neighbors’ help, they may all manage to avoid crop loss.

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