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TTechnology Vechnology Vision 2ision 2023 023 | When A | When Attoms meet Bitsoms meet Bits #T#TechVechVisionision n e B A day in our new reali: Ben Wearing his AR glasses, Ben examines a 3D diagram, rotating the image to see every side. He’s a food scientist at Meat4All—a startup aiming to produce affordable synthetic protein. Right now, he’s trying to design a new scaffold for their meat cultures, one that he hopes will improve the texture of their newest substitute meat product. He’s working with the company’s AI system, which generates several novel protein structures, all of which could be used as scaffolding material, and have the potential to R a l g s s A e s improve texture without overly compromising the 昀氀avor of the meat. After examining them, Ben selects the three best options. Then, he asks the AI system which of the three would have the lowest carbon impact. It’s a broad question with a lot of contributing factors, from where materials are sourced to differences in the synthesis process. The AI system comes back with a carbon impact analysis for each one, and the differences are slight. But Ben knows that once Meat4All is producing these scaffolds at scale, slight differences can mean a lot. g a i D d r m 3 a o n e f h t y t i p c r s o t e i n

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