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Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #TechVision It’s critical that businesses understand the scope emerge. While our vaccines can be updated, of this new frontier, or they risk failing to set a researchers at Penn State College of Medicine are competitive innovation strategy and pace for the working on a better solution—a vaccine that could ... of all the challenges the next years. While the accelerated feedback loop will protect against all existing and future variants of not be the sole driver of new innovations—purely the virus—and science tech is at the heart of their world faces today, climate 279 technology-driven IT, OT, and digital projects are efforts. Unlike existing vaccines that target the change may be the bi…est. still very important—ST is still too big for anyone to receptor binding domain (RBD), these researchers ignore. The impact will be felt by everyone. are targeting the virus through immunogens— designed using computational biology to identify To double down on exactly how big this impact regions of the spike protein that remain the same could be, consider what it could mean for some despite mutations, and tested for stability using of the world’s biggest problems, like pandemics, computer simulations. Given that pandemic-capable (ICHEC), and IonQ collaborated to create a climate change, and the supply chain. If they’re not diseases are increasing in frequency, the speed of scalable software platform for chemistry simulation already, these will be some of businesses’ biggest vaccine development and the breadth of immunity on quantum computers. It is used to calculate problems in coming years too, meaning they should those vaccines provide will be of critical importance the energy needed to break chemical bonds in throughout the world.280 have a vested interest in science technology and the molecules like PFAS—helping to 昀椀nd mechanisms to vast innovation opportunities that come with it. destroy PFAS, which are human-made carcinogenic Moving on to climate change, of all the challenges “forever chemicals” that pollute the environment.281 In 2020, of course, businesses learned that the world faces today, this may be the biggest. And LanzaTech is using synthetic biology to make pandemics are a serious threat to people and Sustainability is certainly on most businesses’ microbes that take carbon emissions and turn themselves. We’ve discussed how the COVID-19 radars, and all of the areas we’ve discussed, from them into valuable raw materials like fuels and pandemic prompted swift action to develop a materials and energy to space innovations and chemicals.282 vaccine—and computational approaches vastly synthetic biology, have the potential to contribute 278 And consider how synthetic biology facilities can be increased the speed at which this was possible. to sustainability in a signi昀椀cant way. For example, Still though, new COVID-19 variants continue to Accenture, the Irish Centre for High-End Computing strategically placed near fossil fuel plants or other

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