Technology Vision 2023 | When Atoms meet Bits #T#TechVechVisionision Accenture Labs and Accenture Research collaborate on the annual research TTechnology Vechnology Visionision AAccenturccenturee process, which this year included: 22023 Editorial &023 Editorial & RReeseseararchch • Input from the Technology Vision External Advisory Board, a group of RReeseseararch ch TTeeamam more than two dozen experienced individuals from the public and private Michael BiltMichael Biltzz RRenee Benee Byrneyrness sectors, academia, venture capital, and entrepreneurial companies. In addition, the Technology Vision team conducts interviews with technology Ari BernsteinAri Bernstein PrPrashant Shuklaashant Shukla luminaries and industry experts, as well as many Accenture business Julian DrJulian Dreimaneiman GerrGerry Fy Farkarkoovvaa leaders from across the organization. MMaria Faria Fabbrabbronioni DonoDonovvan Griggsan Griggs • Accenturccenture conducte conducted a sured a survveey of 4y of 4,,77777 C-le7 C-levvel eel exxecutivecutivees and dirs and directectororss NNaomi Nishiharaomi Nishiharaa Ammar MAmmar Mohammedohammed across 25 industries to understand their perspectives and use of emeremerging tging technologieechnologies acrs across their oross their organizations. The surganizations. The survveeys wys wereree KKristrista Schnella Schnell AbirAbira Sathiya Sathiyanathananathan 昀椀elded fr昀椀elded from December 2om December 2022 thr022 through Januarough January 2y 2023 acr023 across 3oss 34 countrie4 countries.s. DaDavid Strvid Strachan-Olsonachan-Olson VVincenzincenzo Po Palermoalermo • Experiential reeseseararch and datch and data science ta science to analyo analyzze te technologyechnology TTal Ral Rodedoded developments and advancements. MMariusz Bidelskiariusz Bidelski As a shorAs a shortlist of themetlist of themes emers emergeges frs from the rom the reeseseararch prch proceocess, thess, the LaurLaura Cona Convversoerso TTechnology Vechnology Vision tision teeam wam workorks ts to vo validatalidate and re and re昀椀ne the set of tre昀椀ne the set of trends. Theends. The themethemes ars are we weighed feighed for their ror their releelevvance tance to ro reeal-al-wworld busineorld business challengess challenges.s. The TThe Technology Vechnology Vision tision teeam seekam seeks ides ideas that tras that transcend the wanscend the well-knoell-knownwn Selen KSelen Kararaca-Grif昀椀naca-Grif昀椀n drivdriverers of ts of technological changeechnological change, concentr, concentrating instating insteead on the themead on the themes thats that will soon stwill soon starart tt to appeo appear on the C-lear on the C-levvel agendas of most entel agendas of most enterpriseerprises.s.