The crisis has dramatically reduced sales volumes and 03 payments revenues: • Helping individual and business customers maintain normality will improve Payments customer relations while stimulating the economy—thereby revitalizing key providers are revenue streams. • Many businesses are relaxing or deferring customers’ payment obligations to finding ways to support them and preserve liquidity. support economic For payments providers, these measures include: • Reduced or waived overdraft and liquidity-related fees. recovery • Slashed interest rates. by helping preserve liquidity • Reduced or waived credit card interest or repayment fees. • Reduced or waived digital payments fees. • Reduced access to cash fees. They are also exploring other initiatives to preserve liquidity: • Emergency access-to-cash solutions (see Slide 16). • Interoperable payments platforms for SMEs (see AliPay on Slide 22). • Assistance to governments in distributing financial aid. • Digital wallets or central-bank-backed cryptocurrencies to reach the unbanked (see Slides 17 and 23). 11 10 Ways COVID-19 is impacting payments