• Compressed revenues and restricted cashflow are not only impacting businesses; 08 consumers, in the wake of layoffs, pay cuts and furloughs, will look to manage their outgoing costs significantly more closely post-COVID-19, just as businesses will. The need to manage cashflows • Request-to-paywill enable individuals and businesses to request money from each more tightly may encourage other on an individual credit basis; appetite for direct debits will wane as payees can respond to individual requests and not commit to multiple scheduled payments. adoption of • Payments providers and card companies in particular will need strategies to address this potential loss of revenue. payments TM • Services that minimize up-front payment, such as Klarna , return control of experiences cashflow to users and will be in high demand if they are easy to implement. • Likewise, intelligent financial management tooling, enabling greater insight into focused on control spending and access to services, will receive a boost. This applies to individual customers, but even more to businesses and SMEs which will struggle the most with cashflow issues as a result of COVID-19. • Finally, banks will have a greater need for real-time transaction-banking dashboards that provide intelligent insights and solution options to control cashflow and minimize costs. 20 10 Ways COVID-19 is impacting payments