What payment providers should look to do NOW… • Establish a full ‘war room’ that coordinates all aspects of the crisis response. • Actively look to support customers and businesses as they weather the storm. People will remember how their providers responded in crisis; this will be a unique opportunity to grow trust and deepen relationships with customers. • Investigate resilience of payment operations and ensure processing remains intact, with a skeleton crew in place and remote tooling. • Protect customers through proactive advice to counter fraud. • Find ways to increase liquidity in the economy, such as deploying emergency access to cash solutions, making available simple e-commerce payment platforms to SMEs and businesses, and helping governments disburse aid. • Rethink short-term priorities and reallocate staff and expenses to short-term needs. • Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good: Communicate the intention early to support customers, and then work through the operational details. 25 10 Ways COVID-19 is impacting payments