as t w s i A   03 Many cities are thinking about their own unique selling points and looking at ways to attract and retain the best talent from around the world. For instance, Line is a new city in Saudi Arabia that will run entirely on renewable energy and will eventually be home to 9 million residents whose needs will all be reachable within a five-minute 57 Cities have become more community- walk. centric, thinking through traffic by expanding car-free neighborhoods and developing public transportation and bike lanes. Barcelona is addressing spatial planning by creating green 58 hubs that form rural areas in urban jungles. Paris has introduced a dedicated series of “streets to schools” as it looks to make the city 59 safer for children. Leaders now need to decide which approach will serve their business and their employees best. It’s not about just where people work—it’s + futuristic, surrealism, diverse subject, optimistic, 8k, change 100, aspect ratio 3:2, algorithm version 4 how they work, and the value exchange between employer and employee beyond money. In some cases, leaders will need to make clear that what employees want may, in fact, be detrimental to their own experience of work. It’ll be a hard sell, but an important one. Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. 44

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