Embrace new technologies to develop potentially disruptive ideas in and outside of your current industry. Financial performance is often strong for incumbents that have captured winner-takes-all markets, but new entrants have their eyes on growing profits. Industries in this period of disruption also have rapid product cycles and fleet- 35% footed customers. So, staying ahead of the curve is an imperative. of companies in the Surprisingly, relatively few Software & Platform companies are investing in Software & Platforms newer technologies such as edge and fog computing, or extended reality sector expect to technologies. Less than 40 percent plan to adopt any of those newer adopt quantum technologies in the next five years. computing over the We found that more ambitious companies go beyond today’s proven next 5 years. technologies to innovate at the next frontier, where they can discover potentially disruptive ideas. Ultimately, they understand that the best way to prepare for the future is to create it. 16 BREAKING THROUGH DISRUPTION

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