Challenges, gaps and opportunities #CFOReimagined More than half (53 percent) of CFOs worry that the But our research suggests that the potential for deriving finance function is reactive or that data and information- untapped value from financial data alone is significant, sharing processes are not streamlined. In two years’ even before this information has been combined time, 46 percent expect to still feel this way. A notable with other enterprise data sets. Yet less than half the proportion of them also do not rate the finance functions finance leaders we surveyed are capturing six key they lead as strongly as they could on their data potential outcomes of data analysis: value creation, and analytics capabilities. increased connectivity with other areas of the business, Part of the issue stems from concern about information identification of future risks and opportunities, improved security, according to our survey respondents. After all, compliance, wider adoption of technology throughout if you automate an inefficient process you just get the business, and additional valuable insights. bad data faster. Such concerns go beyond just financial data as organizations look to combine internal and external, of CFOs worry that the finance structured and unstructured data to unlock the most function is reactive or that insightful reading of any given situation. In fact, almost three in ten CFOs see the need to combine financial 53%data and information-sharing data with other sources of information as a challenge. processes are not streamlined. 24 The CFO Reimagined: from driving value to building the digital enterprise