Developing future finance talent #CF#CFOROReimaginedeimagined At a global e-commerce business, how I interact with the organization, the senior finance executive we spoke and the openness, candor and to is using a different (and increasingly perspective I provide.” popular) job title to reflect the CFO’s Nonetheless, tomorrow’s CFOs are very new role. “We call ourselves optimistic about finance’s prospects, business finance partners rather with more than 80 percent of future than advisors or controllers,” she finance executives agreeing that explains. “Things change with that the work will be meaningful and that word: we have to build relationships employees will be encouraged to and work as part of the group develop their own skills and will have around the table.” a clear route to career progression. 78% The cultural shift must start at the In light of the increased responsibilities CFO level, says Christopher Weber, given to finance and the availability of more junior EVP and CFO of the oilfield services of data, tools and technologies, finance practitioners group Halliburton. He says changing 78 percent of more junior finance say that there has the mindset takes time and constant practitioners say that there has never never been a more attention. “The culture starts with my been a more exciting time to be leadership team, my direct reports a finance professional. exciting time to be a and myself all leading by example,” finance professional. he says. “It’s how I conduct myself, 41 The CFO Reimagined: from driving value to building the digital enterprise