Developing future finance talent #CFOReimagined C.V. must-haves Which skills are critical for future financial executives to continue leading and transforming organizations? Consider the ability to innovate and “The CFO still needs to be somebody “It needs to be outward-facing,” “ We are looking analyze, and how important they that you can trust implicitly to cut he says. “In tune with the marketplace, for people who are to enabling strategy. through all the bias and be the visiting customers with sales are inquisitive.” “What you’re looking for is people honest broker in decision-making people, and building relationships and running financial analysis. and bridges to other functions.” Daniel Gentili, who are adaptable and resilient,” None of that is particularly new,” adds INPEX Australia. says INPEX Australia’s Daniel Gentili. Larry Reinhold of Systemax. “What is The biggest challenge is recruiting “We are looking for people who different today is that process and or training the talent necessary to are inquisitive. They need to ask: automation across the board is understand how to collect data ‘Is there a better way to do this? completely different, even in financial and gain insight from data. Finance Can I get this information differently? areas, so you also have to be IT savvy.” professionals need the right skillset How did that information come out to communicate with the rest of the once I pushed that?’ They must be The former managing director of a enterprise, working with other functions prepared to bounce if they fail global consumer goods business based to drive the right conclusions and and go back and look again.” in Europe believes that finance needs to actions out of the insights. understand the drivers of the business. 39 The CFO Reimagined: from driving value to building the digital enterprise