How CFOs can seize the moment #CFOReimagined CFOs will likely be welcomed by their partners and other leaders another list of problems that “ Finance leaders in other functions if they are open-minded they have to solve, or you take a more proactive who understand that and collaborative. “People are realizing that stance and try to solve the problems. The most people are really they can’t do things alone, and that finance successful CFOs will provide the solutions.” at the core of this isn’t there just to stop them from spending “Think of this as finance moving to the edges,” money,” says Martin Fritsch, CFO CSI at DHL. says Steve Culp, Senior Managing Director, change will have the “But it depends on the character of the Accenture CFO & Enterprise Value, Finance greatest success.” finance person: if you act like a cost controller, & Risk. “The function will be involved at Athena Reilly, Managing Director, then the doors aren’t going to open for you.” the beginning, working with the rest of the Accenture Enterprise Data & CFOs can no longer be the obstructors they business to set those objectives, as well as Analytics Strategy. once were. They must be “yes” men and women. at the end, to provide a verdict on whether Alan Foster of National Grid UK says CFOs need the targets were met. This is where the to ensure that the business delivers on what the finance function of the future will really CEO is promising. “The role used to be about add value, rather than in the middle.” stewardship and saying no to frivolous ideas, Consider the wider organizational culture, how but that’s a given now,” he says. “You don’t get finance has worked with other functions in the any merit for that anymore. You can either past and what needs to change for the future. choose to point out problems and give the CEO 35 The CFO Reimagined: from driving value to building the digital enterprise