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Consumers continue to adapt Implications for retailers  Focus on initiatives that will have the biggest impact on consumer confidence, as both employees and consumers need to see the changes being made to keep them safe. These could include protective face coverings, reformatting store layouts for social distancing, disinfecting during store hours, limiting the number of shoppers in the store, and temperature screening.  Ensure a safe return to work for employees in the corporate office by acknowledging that working practices will be different and some roles may continue from home. Provide a safe environment and allow employees to work remotely, as this will be appreciated by employees and also consumers who may be aware of retailers’ practices, given today’s transparent world.  Train store associates to handle today’s new customers, who will have varying degrees of anxiety and comfort going out in public. Keep everyone safe by ensuring employees are aware of new protocols and trained on how to best approach customers and de-escalate any form of rising tension.  Leverage data to continue monitoring relevant factors at the local level, such as the spread of the virus and consumer confidence. Ensure both the store and regional teams are fully informed and have plans to modify operations. 9

COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? - Page 9 COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? Page 8 Page 10