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Home is where the heart is Implications for retailers  Plan and prepare for a shift to at-home and virtual for the medium term, as this is the new reality.  Consider how to serve new social and creative occasions in the home that can be formalised and commercialised through new business models or services.  Collaborate across industries to bring together products, content, engagement and digital technology to enhance ‘edutainment’ and digital paths to purchase.  Retain new consumers and sustain new channels or increased levels of usage, by exploring key purchase motivators such as price, payment models, support and experience.  Review the locations and formats of your stores, given the continued focus on the home for living and working, and on local and neighborhoodshopping. 15

COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? - Page 15 COVID-19: How is the Retail Consumer Changing? Page 14 Page 16