A culture of equality is a multiplier. Organizations know that fostering diversity—the follows: a diverse leadership team as well as teams extent to which members of a company’s throughout the organization that are diverse across workforce, including the leadership team, differ gender, age, industry/organizational/cultural from each other in terms of age, ability, ethnicity, backgrounds. gender, gender identity or expression, religion or While companies might be hitting their “numbers” sexual orientation—is important. in terms of diversity, they might not be building a Diversity remains a critical building block to true culture of equality. A culture of equality, which unleashing innovation. However, a culture of offers an Empowering Environment, Bold equality is an essential multiplier to help maximize Leadership and Comprehensive Action, enables innovation. While the impact of diversity factors people from all backgrounds to succeed. alone on an innovation mindset is significant, it is That’s because in a culture of equality, people are much higher when combined with a culture of truly valued for their differences and free to be who equality. In the most-equal and diverse cultures, an they are. They’re not just there to check a box— innovation mindset is 11 times greater than in the they’re empowered to contribute. least-equal and diverse cultures. For the purpose of this research, we defined diversity factors as 11 GETTING TO EQUAL 2019: CREATING A CULTURE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION