Executive Summary Focus for success The ongoing financial crisis has forced many businesses to face some grim realities, none more so than investment banking Banks have had to undertake largescale restructuring and cost cutting, hilst scrambling to meet even reduced revenue and rofit targets, all ithin an environment of intense regulatory ressure and lacklustre economic erformance It has been the erfect storm for the industry emerged, roving that success is ossible through The result is that investment banks have to disciline and clear strategic ositioning hilst reexamine the very rinciles of ho they these findings rovide insight into the building do business To survive, let alone thrive, banks blocks of high erformance, they are not the only have to use the ne economic realities to or definitive anser iven the game is changing, fundamentally reform the ay they aroach banks ill need to understand hat it ill take the market, and ensure they remain relevant to be high erforming in this ne era to their clients To this end, our study has identified a number It is because of this aradigm shift that €ccenture of key characteristics that ill define the ne has conducted a detailed examination of hat industry Banks ill have to face u to multile it ill take for banks to be high erforming in s uee­es on rofitability, ithin an increasingly this ne era ith over „… years orking at the comlex marketlace, all under rising cometitive heart of the industry, €ccenture has a uni ue ressures The combination of these factors leaves ersective on hat it takes for banks to be high little margin for error Banks need to diligently erforming e have seen a number of banks focus on those areas that ill generate sufficient rise and fall, building extraordinarily rofitable returns and are relevant to their clients businesses before sectacularly crashing †n Building a strategy in such an uncertain and many occasions, as banks’ senior managers volatile environment is challenging Hoever, readily admit, banks dodged a bullet They ere market dislocation ill bring oortunities for able to avoid structural change by hiding behind those able to look beyond shortterm concerns high rofits and extraordinary revenue groth To take advantage, banks need to build structural rates Hoever, as €ndre Haldane at the Bank change into their strategic lanning To rovide of England recently noted, ‘the urchaser of a banks ith the tools to drive this rocess, ortfolio of global banking stocks in the early €ccenture has identified five business models to ‰ ‰ŠŠ…s is today sitting on a real loss’ ‹learly, hel understand ho to reach high erformance no is a time to reassess and rebuild in the ne era These are‚ To better understand hat has driven high • The Flow Monster, hich harnesses highly erformance in the ast, €ccenture has carried efficient infrastructure to rocess huge trade out a detailed financial analysis of the recent volumes at tight sreads erformance of ‰Œ leading investment banks, as • The Regional Champion, hich crosssells ell as reflecting on historical trends This has risk management and financing solutions to an rovided insight into the recent inners but, more existing client base of midsi­ed cororates imortantly, has shon that banks have achieved high erformance through multile routes To • The Product Specialist, hich achieves traditional scale layers have stretched clear of the cometitive differentiation through niche ack, but three smaller ‘focused inners’ have also roduct offerings

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