• The Primary Markets Powerhouse, hich uses secialist caabilities and renoned talent to advise on or structure highly rofitable issuances and deals • The Risk Master, hich relies on effective controls, oerful infrastructure and management confidence to take on and manage risk These are not rescritive business models, rather an articulation of hat constitutes high erformance in the different discilines of investment banking €s such they are designed to frame a strategic lanning exercise The first stage for a bank is to revie its ortfolio of business lines Žising caital constraints and sluggish groth rates are hamering the ability to generate sufficient returns on caital, meaning a bank must reork and re‘ustify the economics It is ossible for a bank to be successful in one, of the businesses lines in hich it oerates It or a combination, of models Hoever, it is crucial must then rationalise its ortfolio to focus on to areciate that each model is fundamentally only those in hich they ill feasibly be able to different and must be treated indeendently hile comete and that are relevant to its core business many of the features, such as investment in talent, strategies ’nderstanding ho current business are ubi uitous, the focus for investment varies in lines fit to these models ill hel in analysing the each one, meaning that the caabilities are rarely trade offs in the decision making rocess Further, transferable If a bank ishes to adot more than and crucially, it must ut the needs of its clients one model it must understand ho its uni ue at the centre of this exercise strengths can rovide linkages, but also ensure that it is able to back each chosen model ith sufficient Secondly, a bank must focus on building a investment to build a inning roosition cometitive advantage in each of its chosen models Each model outlines the key features €s investment banks fight to remain relevant re uired to be successful, highlighting the necessary in the turbulent marketlace, no is the time management choices, and resulting conse uences for strategic action Banks must abandon the of these To develo a inning roosition, banks recrisis mindset of trying to be all things to all must diligently focus on effectively stringing these eole and instead reevaluate their ositioning, features together and building marketleading to ensure lasting relevance to their clients and caabilities to underin each one a viable roosition to their shareholders ‰ “‹ontrol rights ”and rongs•”, Seech given by €ndre  Haldane, Executive —irector, Financial Stability and ˜ember of the Financial Policy ‹ommittee, at the incott €nnual ˜emorial ™ecture, ”estminster, ™ondon•, š› †ctober š…‰‰

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