€bout €ccenture €ccenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing comany, ith more than š››,……… eole serving clients in more than ‰š… countries ‹ombining unaralleled exerience, comrehensive caabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the orld’s most successful comanies, €ccenture collaborates ith clients to hel them become higherformance businesses and governments The comany generated net revenues of ’Sœšžž billion for the fiscal year ended €ug „‰, š…‰‰ Its home age is accenturecom €ccenture Exerts To discuss any of the ideas resented in this aer lease contact‚ Bob ach anaging Director, loal Capital arets robertgachŸaccenturecom ¡‰ Š‰¢ ›žš žŠžš —ean £ayson enior ecutive, Capital arets deanl‘aysonŸaccenturecom ¡›› š…¢ Œ›› ŒšŠž £ames Sroule Head of Capital arets esearch ‘amesrsrouleŸaccenturecom ¡›› š…¢ Œ›› „„Œ¢ †liver ¤night Capital arets trategy oliverhknightŸaccenturecom ¡›› š…„ „„ž š¥¥¢ ‹hristoher Hook Capital arets trategy christoher‘hookŸaccenturecom ¡›› š…„ „„ž ‰„¢„ Copyright © 2012 Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademars of Accenture.