A‚out Accenture Accenture is a glo‚al management consulting‡ technolog services and outsourcing compan‡ ­ith more than 2‡””” people serving clients in more than €2” countriesˆ om‚ining unparalleled e‘perience‡ comprehensive capa‚ilities across all industries and ‚usiness functions‡ and e‘tensive research on the ­orld’s most successful companies‡ Accenture colla‚orates ­ith clients to help them ‚ecome high’performance ‚usinesses and governmentsˆ The compan generated net revenues of S¬2…ˆ… ‚illion for the fiscal ear ended Augˆ 3€‡ 2”€€ˆ Its home page is ­­­ˆaccentureˆcomˆ Accenture š‘perts Bo‚ ¥ach Managing ˜irector, „lobal aƒital Markets ro‚ertˆpˆgach®accentureˆcom ¯€ € …2 ……2 œean ¢ason enior EŽecutive, aƒital Markets deanˆlˆ™ason®accentureˆcom ¯ 2” • •2… ¢ames Sproule Head of aƒital Markets Research ™amesˆrˆsproule®accentureˆcom ¯ 2” • 33• ˜liver °night aƒital Markets trategy oliverˆhˆknight®accentureˆcom ¯ 2”3 33… 2†† hristopher Hook aƒital Markets trategy christopherˆ™ˆhook®accentureˆcom ¯ 2”3 33… €33 oƒyright © “”1“ ccenture ll rights reservedŒ ccenture, its logo, and High Performance ˜elivered are trademarks of ccentureŒ

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